In the world of fashion, our personalities often reveal themselves through the choices we make, and every facet tells a unique story. This exclusive fashion story, captured by the talented photographer and retoucher Yve Adore, features model Livio Michel, who embodies the complexity and beauty of our individual selves. Through striking imagery and thoughtful styling, we explore the different dimensions of identity, inviting viewers to reflect on the many sides of who we are and the expressions we choose to showcase.

Photography & Retouch: Yve Adore

Photography & Retouch: Yve Adore

Photography & Retouch: Yve Adore

Photography & Retouch: Yve Adore

Photography & Retouch: Yve Adore

Photography & Retouch: Yve Adore

Photography & Retouch: Yve Adore

Photography & Retouch: Yve Adore

Photography & Retouch: Yve Adore

Photography & Retouch: Yve Adore

Photography & Retouch: Yve Adore

Photography & Retouch: Yve Adore
Styling & Concept Inspiration: Lucine Ayanian @lucine_a
Photography & Retouch: Yve Adore @yveadore
Hair & Make Up: Sarah Gmür
Model: Livio @livio.michel
Scout Model Agency @scoutmodel1
Wearing: Corinne Baumann suit; King Louie socks; Les Deux