Exclusive Interview: Josh Tedeku on Netflix’s SUPACELL

by | Jul 3, 2024

Get an inside look at Netflix's SUPACELL through our exclusive interview with Josh Tedeku. Learn about his preparation for the role of Tazer, behind-the-scenes moments, and the impact of representing Black South Londoners in a superhero narrative.
We are thrilled to share our exclusive interview with the talented Josh Tedeku, the star of Netflix’s latest superhero sensation, SUPACELL, now available for streaming. Our features editor, Sofia Deus, had the pleasure of chatting with Josh about his role, the series, and his career journey.
SUPACELL is a groundbreaking show that follows a group of five ordinary people who suddenly develop superpowers. Set against the vibrant backdrop of South London, these individuals, despite having little in common, are brought together by one man, Michael Lasaki, who must unite them to save the woman he loves.


In this candid conversation, Josh Tedeku shares insights into his preparation for the role of Tazer, memorable moments from the set, and the significance of representing Black South Londoners in a superhero narrative. Join us as we dive into the world of SUPACELL and get a glimpse of what makes this show and its characters so special.

Supacell – Production Still Image @Netflix


SD – SUPACELL marks a significant milestone in your career. How did you prepare for the role of Tazer and what drew you to this character?

JT – Rapman and I chatted at length about Tazer, who he was and the inspirations behind his character. One of these was a character called Michael, from THE WIRE S4. I made sure that I did my research, watched what he told me to watch, and followed the character playlist to get into the mindset and the mood of the character. I analysed the script and picked apart moments that were integral, and that helped me to bring him to life. What I found so intriguing about the story is that it’s about what regular people would do if they suddenly had superpowers. Instead of automatically becoming superheroes, the characters in the show react realistically to their new abilities. It’s a fascinating story to be a part of, and I was excited to take on the role.


SD – Exactly. Fantastic. Thank you. Working with Rapman, who has a distinct storyline style, must be quite an experience. Can you share any memorable moments from the set of Supacell?

JT – The best times were when all five of us were together. It was rare, because the goal was for Michael’s character to come and find us and bring us all together – so we filmed a lot of scenes separately. When the five of us finally got together we laughed and joked a lot, it was so much fun. My character was pretty dark, so I usually kept to myself and tried to stay in that. Working with Rapman was incredible. He directed a few episodes, and it was great to have him there. I could ask him questions about his own experiences, which helped me with my character. It was awesome to have him around.


SD – Good. Thank you. Supacell focuses on ordinary people developing superpowers. How do you think this concept will resonate with audiences, particularly in the context of South London?

JT – I hope that audiences love it – I’m so proud of it. I know a lot of people who have seen the screeners, and they always say how much they liked to see a place on screen that they recognize, like their neighborhood or a street they walk down every day. Just that alone is fun. And then you add in the story and the way Rapman tells it, it’s amazing. You really get attached to the characters and want to see what happens next. London itself almost feels like a character in the show. I think everything comes together really well, and I think audiences are going to have a great time watching it.


SD – This series is also notable for its all-Black South London cast. How important is this representation to you and what impact do you hope it will have on viewers?

JT – It’s so important. There aren’t many TV shows with an all-black cast, so leading that is important. This kind of project opens opportunities for black actors who might not get many roles. Hopefully, this show will show the industry that stories led by black people can be successful without always being about race. It’s nice to see stories that focus on black characters without always being about our history or struggles.

SD – Thank you. SUPACELL includes an initiative to give Black creatives opportunities in the TV industry. Can you talk about the importance of such programs and how they can change the landscape of the industry?

JT – Diversity is so important in the film industry, not just in front of the camera but behind it too. When everyone on set, the lighting crew, costume department, is black and getting opportunities, it makes the actors feel more comfortable and at home. It also opens doors for people behind the scenes who might not usually get those chances. It’s great when sets and programmes include everyone because it can lead to a better future for everyone involved.

SD – Your recent work includes roles. On the BBC Boarders and the award-winning short Film Festival of Slaps. How have these experiences shaped you as an actor?

JT – FESTIVAL OF SLAPS was a short film that I did when I was 17. It was my first acting job ever! It was great to be on set and learn how everything works in front of the camera. The team I worked with were incredible and I’m so grateful for the experience. The director, Abdou Cisse, had this vision and trusted us to bring it to life. It was a passion project for sure. Then there’s BOARDERS, which was important for me because I went to mostly white schools growing up and felt like the odd one out. When I got the script for Boarders, I felt an instant connection to the character. It was my first lead role and it taught me a lot about being a leader on set. I’m so proud of how the series turned out and I’ll definitely use what I learned on them for future projects. It’s been an amazing journey and I’m grateful for all the opportunities I’ve had.

SD – Comedy dramas require a balance of humor and serious moments. How do you navigate this balance in your performance in Boarders?

JT – It is so important to strike that balance – to find the right combination of funny and serious moments. It can be tricky to keep a straight face during serious scenes, but I try my best to. I think that’s what makes the show great, and I hope others enjoy it too.

SD – Thank you. What was it like working alongside Tosin Cole and Adelayo Adedayo? Did you find that the chemistry between the cast members helped enhance your performance?

JT – Oh man, I remember when we filmed episode six first. It was crazy because we all had to come together without any build up to that moment. We had to figure out how to work together, understand each other’s feelings, and nail down the choreography of the scene. It was a bit overwhelming at first, but it really brought us closer as a team. The more experienced actors helped me out a lot, and I felt like I could rely on them when I needed to. After that, everything else seemed so much easier. I really love working with those guys, they’re awesome. It was such a fun experience getting to know them and working together on set.



SD – Fantastic. Looking ahead, what kind of roles or projects are you most excited to pursue after Supacell and what do you hope to achieve in your acting career?

JT – I want to do it all in the industry. My main goal is to be able to play all kinds of roles and show off my skills. I loved Supacell but I think I’d maybe do the opposite for my next project, because I think it’s important for black actors to be able to tell a variety of stories. I just want to keep acting at a high level and work with some amazing people like my favorite directors. I’m not really focused on awards or material things, although they are amazing. I just want to enjoy acting for as long as possible and keep getting better at it. Life is too short to only focus on short-term goals.

SD – Fantastic. Tell me something. Was acting a childhood dream?

JT – Yeah, oh man, that was this thing called Golden Time at my old primary school. It was the best! We could do whatever we wanted during that time, like put on plays in the playground. My friends and I would come up with these quick 5-minute plays and then perform them for show and tell. It was so much fun! My love for acting started back then, when my brother would show me all kinds of movies when I was little. I always knew I wanted to do something in the entertainment industry, but it wasn’t until I got to secondary school that someone told me I could actually pursue it as a career. From that moment on, I was determined to make it happen. And guess what? I did! Now, I’m going to keep working hard to make my younger self proud. I’m so grateful for the opportunities I’ve had, and I can’t wait to see where this journey takes me next!


SD – As my last question and favorite question from the roles you’ve played so far, who would you go for a drink with?

JT – Definitely not Tazer from Supacell. Maybe Jaheim from Boarders, because he’s kind of cool. He’s kind of like me, you know, he’s just he’s just a guy from London, this calm guy who is thrown into this entirely new environment that’s flipped his world upside down by going to a white private school. So, I feel like we’d have a lot to talk about. And that would be fun. So, I felt like, yeah, treat him.




SUPACELL is available to stream now on Netflix.
Image Credits:
Photographer: Alex Ingram
Stylist: Pricilla Owusu-Ansah
Groomer: Tarik Bennafla
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