Film & TV
Sofia Deus is a passionate and insightful writer, dedicated to showcasing the untapped talent that resides in every corner of the world. With an unwavering curiosity and a keen eye for captivating storytelling, Sofia has embarked on a mission to uncover and share the inspiring journeys of talented individuals through her engaging World Talent Interviews. Sofia’s unique ability to capture the essence of their stories brings their triumphs, struggles, and dreams to life on the page. With each interview, Sofia invites readers on a global adventure, exploring diverse cultures, perspectives, and talents that shape our world.
Film & TV
Shaun Thomas: Behind the Scenes of “How to Have Sex”
Film & TV
Unmasking a Global Icon: A Review of Netflix’s “Beckham”
Film & TV
Happy Ending: Netflix Series Review
Film & TV
Meet The Enigmatic Christian Ochoa Lavernia
Film & TV
Glamorous: Exploring Queer Identity with Kim Cattrall on Netflix
Film & TV
The Extraordinary Journey of Actor Malcolm Kamulete
Elliot Edusah’s Journey in Pirates Movie
Nick Blood: A Journey through Close to Me
Film & TV
Interview with Stuart Martin: From TV Success to Army of Thieves
Film & TV
From Cold War Romance to Global Acclaim: Tom Prior’s Journey in the Movie ‘Firebird
Lewis Extra
Joe Dempsie Interview
LEWIS ExtraFilm & TV